Access 911 Hawaii Forum Morning Speaker
Jason Ryan Dorsey, The Gen Y Guy®Crossing the Generational Divide: Leveraging the Power of Generations™ for Your Strategic Advantage
For the first time in world history, four different generations are working side by side—and a fifth generation is on the way! Each generation brings a different perspective, strengths, and priorities to the workplace. These differences can be a frustrating challenge (you leave a voicemail and they reply with a text!) or a strategic opportunity depending entirely how you respond.In Crossing the Generational Divide, bestselling author Jason Dorsey entertainingly reveals each generation’s workplace mindset. He then shares surprising statistics, laugh-out-loud stories, and frontline-tested strategies that quickly drive results across generations. You leave motivated with ready-to-use actions that you can apply immediately.
Speaker Bio forJason Ryan Dorsey is The Gen Y Guy®.
You may have seen him on 60 Minutes, 20/20, The Today Show, The View, or in Fortune Magazine. His talent is teaching ready-to-use actions and creative strategies that quickly increase cross-generational performance. A bestselling author at age 18, Jason’s newest book is Y-Size® Your Business. This acclaimed book features more than 50 ways to increase Gen Y performance from day one.The Chief Strategy Officer for The Center for Generational Kinetics, Jason constantly studies the unique dynamics created within a multigenerational workforce. He shares his insights on his entertaining What the Gen?! blog. A proud member of Gen Y, Jason won the Austin Under 40 Entrepreneur of the Year Award at age 25—one of the youngest winners ever. And, yes, he text messages his mom every day.
Watch Jason’s funny video about Gen Y and Boomers on
- Why
Millennials Act Entitled on CBS Early Show:
- What
We Do at The Center video:
- Jason
Dorsey Speaking Excitement video:
- Explaining
Gen Y Manners at Work on CBS Early Show: